Five Ways to Innovate Faster – HBR

  1. < 2 pizza team size
  2. Get out more often
  3. Measure inputs (learnings) not outputs (results)
  4. Funding tied to risk reduction not the calendar
  5. Ensure decision makers have the right experience to guide the team before the data are clear. Important new growth initiatives are typically overseen by a company’s top management. But if the intent is to search for a new business model, the company’s top team almost by definition lacks experience with it. Perhaps some members of the executive committee who have nurtured a new venture in the past should be involved. Augment them with outsiders who have spent enough time with start-ups to know how to grapple with uncertainty or with subject-matter experts who have spent enough time in a market to understand its nuances. Otherwise the need to invest in educating management will slow the team’s progress even more.”

Link to a Great short article from HBR.

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